Tuesday, September 21, 2010

monster cabbage

who can resist a 6 pound cabbage at the grocery store? apparently not me and kris. this cabbage is so big it wouldn't fit in the drawer of the fridge. we had to do some rearranging.

it's bigger than your head!

basketball anyone?

now we wouldn't buy* this thing without a plan (that would just be silly). so what's in store for this beast of a cabbage?
today - slaw to accompany tacos
tomorrow - the best cabbage salad ever
thursday - hot and cold sesame noodles

will it be enough to finish the cabbage? we shall seeeeeeee......

*and speaking of the buying....we had a pleasant surprise when we looked at our receipt and noticed that the cashier guy thought it was a head of lettuce....and only charged us $1.99. what a bargain!


1 comment:

Jill said...

at the farmers market in lincoln, we often would see cabbage of that size and call it CMD (cabbage of mass destruction)